
Today is January 26, 2025 -

Temple Adath Yeshurun

Conservative Judaism in Syracuse, New York

450 Kimber Road, Syracuse, NY 13224
Phone: 315.445.0002
Email: info@adath.org


There are a variety of ways to support Temple Adath Yeshurun.  

Tribute Cards:
We can send Tribute Cards for different occasions; In Memory Of, In Honor Of, Get Well, and Mazel Tov.  Donors will have the opportunity to choose a fund to donate money to, and a beautiful card will be sent out on their behalf.  The minimum donation is $10, a special donation is $18, and generous donation is $25 or more.  In addition to a card going out, the donors’ names will be listed in our bi-monthly bulletin under the fund to which they donated and the reason for the donation.  To send a donation card, please call the Temple Office at 315.445.0002, or email Donna Centers at dcenters@adath.org.

Humash Etz Hayim:
We are now taking donations for the Humash Etz Hayim.  Humashim donations can be made: In Honor Of, In Memory of, or In Celebration of your loved ones.  Each book donation is $72.00.  Click here to fill out a digital form, or stop by the Temple Office for a paper copy.

Each Yahrzeit letter that is mailed out includes a remittance envelope.  To make a donation in memory of your loved one, please fill out the remittance envelope and mail it back to Temple Adath Yeshurun with your donation.

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