450 Kimber Road, Syracuse, NY 13224
Phone: 315.445.0002
Email: info@adath.org
Election of Officers & Directors
Slate of Officers beginning July 1, 2019
Co-President Andrea Knoller
Vice-President Joan Lowenstein
Vice-President Jaclyn Sisskind Gnacik, M.D.
Vice-President Steven Sisskind
Vice-President Rosalie Young, Ph.D.
Treasurer Howard Weinstein, M.D.
Financial Secretary Jeffrey Stein, D.D.S.
Recording Secretary Carolyn Weinberg
Board of Directors – 3 year term to expire June 30, 2022
David Hinshaw Norene Lavine
Jeanette Perkins Alicia Spevak
Benjamin Tecler Barbara Walzer
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